Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What up, God?

Praying... Something people just don't get. They don't know how. A pastor says all these fancy words and you really have no clue how reciting out of a book or saying fancy words to God seems fun or even real. What if I told you that prayer, no.. actually talking to God is a lot of fun and easy. Don't know the lingo? No problem. God isn't stupid. He understands exactly what you say even if you don't know how to say it or you don't exactly word it right. The best part is that God wants to listen to you. He wants to hear you talk to Him. He won't tune you out like so many people do. You know, how when you love someone with all your heart you hang onto their every word? Maybe you've had someone who did the same with what you said. That's how God is. The creator of the UNIVERSE hangs on your every word and loves to hear you voice. If thats not mind-blowingly awesome/crazy I don't know what is. Even more just like when you haven't seen your love in a month He wants more than anything to at-the-very least talk to you. Pretty spiffy.

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