Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whattest Dwelleth in the Heavens?*

Whattest Dwelleth in the Heavens?*

*What's up?

It has been almost a month since I have written to this blog. I started another blog that focuses on emotions. Since my last post I have grown a lot but if you asked me to tell you how I've grown I couldn't put my finger on it. God is changing me that's for sure. This may sound a bit weird but I'm becoming more intimate with God. The more I read God's words, the more I feel God direct me in life the more I realize I grow deeper in love with Him. This scares me to some extent much how when you go really fast in a relationship it all hits you at once and you feel like running. It's all so overwhelming. After all the God of the universe is loving me like nothing I've experienced before. It is so amazing to feel God. From time to time I can feel God hugging me when I am distressed and a time or two I've even slow danced with Him. I know this sounds crazy. Believe me it sounds crazy to me and I'm almost hesitant to write it but it is truth in how I've felt
God. I'm probably not the first Christian to feel this nor the last but I do pray that sometime in your walk in Christ you will feel this to. God is awesomazing!

1 comment:

Emily Elizabeth said...

Hola mi amigo! El Blog es muy bien! Getting closer to God is AWESOME and I'm so happy for you! I'm praying that you may stay strong! Yay! Go Ry!